What is Family Mediation?
Family Mediation (also called Family Dispute Resolution) is a process where a family mediator works with you, assisting you to reach agreement after separation or divorce.
This may include negotiating a parenting plan, parenting (custody) orders, or a family law property settlement.
What qualifications does a family mediator have?
Our principal family law mediator, Jennifer Hetherington, holds a Bachelor of Laws, and a Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution Practice.
She is an Accredited Family Law Specialist (since 2005) and is accredited with the Attorney-General’s department as a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, which means she is able to issue s.60I Certificates.
Jennifer has 25 years of experience working with parents and families to resolve disputes and reduce conflict.
Jennifer Hetherington is also a parenting coordinator.

Why do we need a family mediator?
When you and your partner go through separation or divorce, it can be difficult for you to communicate effectively and come to agreements on your own.
This is due to the emotions and breakdown in communication that often occur during the end of a relationship.
To help with this, a family mediator can assist you and your former partner to work together constructively to find solutions that are best for your future.
Family Mediation can also help you navigate communication difficulties that have prevented you from reaching a family law agreement on your own.
With the help of a trained and experienced mediator, you and your former partner or co-parent can work through these difficulties, and reach a resolution that works for everyone involved.
Read testimonials from other couples and families we have helped.
Can the mediator give legal advice?
Family law mediators are neutral professionals who cannot give legal advice.
Our principal family mediator, Jennifer Hetherington, has over 24 years of experience as a family law practitioner.
While we are not a law firm, Jennifer can conduct evaluative mediation to help you compare the potential outcomes of mediation with those of going to court.
Our expert family consultant can provide insight into your children's experience of your separation and potential recommendations that might be made in a family report for court, in child-inclusive mediation or child-focused mediation.
This information can help you make informed decisions during mediation, but is not a substitute for independent legal advice.
Do I have to attend Family Mediation or Family Dispute Resolution ?
Family mediation is a voluntary process and no-one can force you to attend.
However, the Family Law Act requires you to attend compulsory family mediation, also called family dispute resolution,
before you can make an application to the Federal Circuit and Family Court for parenting (custody) or financial orders.
Family mediation is also a great way to resolve parenting issues, and minimise the impact of divorce on your children.
There are some exceptions to compulsory family dispute resolution, such as when there are issues like domestic violence or abuse
and a safe environment cannot be provided.
If you are worried about your safety attending family mediation, talk to us about a safety plan
and the security measures we have in place at our mediation rooms. We also offer online and video mediation which may be a better option for you.
If you are uncertain about whether an exemption from compulsory family dispute resolution applies to you, book a free Discovery Call to talk about your situation.

Do I need a family mediator or a lawyer?
You can attend family mediation on your own, but we cannot provide legal advice.
If you want legal advice, you should see a family lawyer before mediation.
We can provide you with a referral to a panel of expert lawyers specialising in family law, who are committed to peaceful, negotiated outcomes and share our belief that court is a place of last resort.

How much does family mediation cost in Australia?
Untying the Knot only offers fixed fee family mediation. Our pricing includes GST.
A half day parenting mediation is $2,750. A full day mediation is $3,850.
Our family property mediation process and parenting mediation process are $3,520.
Child-inclusive mediation is $6,985 per family (for up to 2 children).
All of our fixed fee family mediation prices are listed on our Family Mediation Fees and Bookings page.
Can children come to mediation?
We offer child-inclusive mediation where your children can have a ‘voice’ in the mediation, without being present during negotiations.
How do I prepare for family mediation?
We will provide you with information and factsheets to help you prepare.
We also provide all our mediation clients with the Our Family in Two Homes Resource . As the first Australian licensee for this valuable resource, we believe it provides important information to help us better help you in family mediationWe have also prepared a list of practical tips to prepare for family mediation.
You may find also find these articles about successful communication in mediation and preparing for online and video mediation helpful.
Why use mediation and not just go to Court?
Watch this short video from the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia about why you should separate smarter and avoid court
For further information, book a free initial chat about your circumstances and which fixed fee family mediation service is right for you.
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