What are the benefits of Child-Inclusive Mediation for Blended Families

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a parent in a blended family, striving to create a happy home environment. We understand that co-parenting can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain, especially in a blended family setup. You want to make sure everyone’s voice is heard, especially the children. This is where child-inclusive mediation steps in, and it might just be the solution you need. Child-inclusive mediation has benefits for blended families, not just separated families. So, what is child-inclusive mediation? It’s a process where children are given a chance to share their feelings and thoughts about family matters in a […]

2 children on a hammock

The Superior Outcomes of Child-Inclusive Mediation: A Mediator’s Perspective

As a mediator experienced in both traditional and child-inclusive mediation practice, I have witnessed how the inclusion of children’s voices can profoundly shape the process and outcomes of mediation. Research has consistently shown that child-inclusive mediation often results in more sustainable and satisfactory agreements than traditional mediation, benefiting both children and parents (McIntosh, Wells, Smyth & Long, 2008). Benefits for children of child-inclusive mediation The most immediate beneficiaries of child-inclusive mediation are the children themselves. In traditional mediation, children’s perspectives are often shared indirectly, filtered through the views and biases of the adults involved. However, child-inclusive mediation provides children with […]

A boy hugging a girl

Child-inclusive Mediation | A case study in success

How Child-Inclusive Mediation brought resolution for Lucy, Mark, Tim, and Rose When Lucy and Mark decided to end their relationship, they found themselves in a deadlock over managing how their new family would work. Despite their deep love for their children, five-year-old Tim and eleven-year-old Rose, conflicting viewpoints meant they hadn’t been able to reach an agreement in traditional mediation. Jennifer, their mediator, suggested an alternative: child-inclusive mediation. Lucy and Mark agreed to introduce Tim and Rose to a Child Consultant, Leanne, a highly trained professional who works with Untying the Knot and specialises in giving children a safe space […]

child inclusive family mediation benefits children

Child-inclusive family mediation: the benefits for children

Child-inclusive family mediation is a form of parenting mediation or family dispute resolution that involves children in the conflict resolution process. This can be especially useful in family law cases where children’s well-being and best interests are a primary concern. What benefits does child-inclusive mediation offer for children? Expressing thoughts and feelings Children are often affected by their parents’ conflicts and may have thoughts and feelings about the situation. Child-inclusive family mediation allows children to have a voice in the resolution process and can help them feel heard and understood, whilst also explaining to them that they do not have […]