How do I handle co-parenting when my ex and I have very different parenting styles?

How do I handle co-parenting when my ex and I have very different parenting styles? Riley* Dear Riley, Navigating co-parenting is certainly a challenging task especially when you and your ex have differing views on parenting styles. Your concern is valid, as inconsistency between two households can be confusing for children, and in some cases, harmful. However, we need to understand that different does not necessarily mean wrong. While you and your ex may have different approaches, it doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. The key lies in finding a middle ground that serves your child’s best […]

When is the right time to introduce a new partner to my children post-divorce?

When is the right time to introduce a new partner to my children post-divorce? *Bailey Dear Bailey, The decision to introduce a new partner to your children following a divorce is an incredibly sensitive and important one. There is a lot of research on this topic that aims to help families navigate these complex situations. First: timing is crucial. Waiting until your relationship with the new partner is stable and committed is better than bringing someone into their lives before the relationship has stood the test of time. In the context of a post-divorce situation, children may already be coping […]

What’s the best way to explain our divorce to my children without blaming either parent?

What’s the best way to explain the divorce to my children without blaming either parent? Morgan* Dear Morgan, I empathise with your situation. Divorce can be a difficult time for the entire family, and finding the right words to explain it to your children is no small feat. The first thing to remember is that children are much more perceptive than we often give them credit for. While your instinct may be to shield them from the emotions, honesty (within reason) is important. However, being honest doesn’t mean burdening your children with adult problems or blaming either parent. Now, how […]

Working out our parenting schedule is overwhelming. Do you have any tips for simplifying the process?

Working out our parenting schedule is overwhelming. Do you have any tips for simplifying the process? Ben* Dear Ben Working out and managing a parenting time schedule can be a daunting task.  You have to balances emotions and logistics – for the adults and the children. The most important thing to remember is that both parents should keep the welfare of their child as the priority with any decisions. Open communication is crucial. It is absolutely essential that you and your ex-partner are on the same page when it comes to the parenting schedule. This can be easier said than […]

Child drawing

Creating safe spaces for children in mediation: The Child Consultant’s approach in child inclusive mediation

As a Child Consultant and Social Worker deeply invested in the field of child-inclusive mediation, I’ve experienced firsthand the crucial role that creating a safe and comfortable environment plays in effectively engaging children in the mediation process. It is only when children feel secure, valued, and respected that they can freely express their thoughts and feelings. The very nature of mediation – discussing and resolving potentially contentious family issues – can be daunting for children. But research continually underscores the importance of children’s participation in matters that affect their lives (Cashmore & Parkinson, 2008; McIntosh, Wells, Smyth & Long, 2008). […]